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Arhiv predavanj

Uvodno predavanje (Poslovno): Cloud Computing - Seeing The Big Picture

 Cloud computing looks like the biggest change to hit our industry in many years. But taking advantage of the shift requires understanding this new approach, then grasping its benefits and risks. In this presentation, David Chappell provides an overview of the area, then gives a perspective on what it means for both end users and technology companies. The topics he’ll cover include: Software as a Service SaaS: Why it makes sense and where to start Public cloud platforms: When they’re the right choice for your applications   Private clouds: Why every enterprise will have one  The goal is to provide a broad introduction to cloud computing, illustrating why it’s important for virtually every IT organization today.

David Chappell

Chappell & Associates

David Chappell je lastnik podjetja Chappell & Associates (www.davidchappell.com) s sedežem v San Franciscu. S predavanji, zapisi in svetovanjem ljudem po vsem svetu pomaga razumeti, uporabljati in sprejemati boljše odločitve glede novih tehnologij. David je kot glavni govorec sodeloval na več sto dogodkih in konferencah na petih celinah. Njegovih seminarjev se je udeležilo več deset tisoč informacijskih direktorjev, arhitektov in razvijalcev iz štiridesetih držav. Njegove knjige so bile prevedene v več kot 10 jezikov in se redno uporabljajo na univerzah MIT, ETH Zurich in drugih. S svojim svetovanjem je strankam, kot so Hewlett-Packard, IBM, Microsoft, univerza v Stanfordu in Target, pomagal vpeljati nove tehnologije, na trgu predstaviti nove izdelke ter usposobiti svoje stranke in zaposlene. Ima diplomo iz ekonomije in magisterij iz računalništva, ki ju je pridobil na univerzi Wisconsin-Madison.