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Arhiv predavanj

Angular for the Enterprise and its synergy with Microsoft Technologies

Angular is a modern JavaScript framework which has taken the world by storm. There are excellent benefits to this framework but it is still new and it has some rough areas. These areas are where the larger scale applications often need some direction. This session will draw on the experience from customers and projects to show how to exploit the scenarios including localization, allowing you to simplify the solution with good organization and testing. It’s no secret that at Microsoft we want you building on our stack, so also in this session we will demonstrate how well Angular can work with Microsoft technologies like SignalR, WebAPI and TypeScript to keep you benefiting from the best development tools in the world.

Mike Mengell


Mike Mengell works in the Premier Cloud & Mobility team at Microsoft. He has been involved in Web Development since 'classic' ASP through to the latest and greatest advances in web development technologies with a particular interest in JavaScript. He has been speaking publically for many years on various technical topics and regularly hosts sessions with customers.