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Patterns & Practices: Designing Great Mobile Applications – Leveraging the Windows Phone 7 & Windows Azure

Developing apps for Windows Phone has a lot of similarities with building apps for Window. To begin with, you can use Silverlight and Visual Studio. Two components of the Microsoft development platform that are widely known and used. Yet, there are special considerations if you want to build great apps for the phone. In this session we will explore the design and architecture of a mobile app that interacts with a Windows Azure hosted service. We’ll talk about the UI design using the MVVM pattern, dealing with different networks, handling push notifications; and taking advantage of the Windows Phone 7 capabilities such s as GPS, camera, etc

Scott Densmore


Scott Densmore je v podjetju Microsoft višji inženir za razvoj programske opreme. Osredotoča se na računalništvo v oblaku in mobilne naprave. Že več kot 15 let piše programsko kodo in ustvarja vsebine, povezane s tehnologijo. Njegova spletna stran je na naslovu http://scottdensmore.typepad.com/, na družabnem omrežju Twitter pa ga lahko najdete pod uporabniškim imenom @scottdensmore