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Explore Adventures in the Underland: Forensic Techniques Against Hackers Evading the Hook

Cybercrime is a very lucrative business not just because of the potential financial return, but because it quite easy to get away with it. Sometimes hackers get caught, but most of the time they still run free. When it comes to operating system and after-attack traces, it is not that bad as all traces are gathered in one place – your infrastructure. Even though hackers use techniques to remain on the loose, it is possible by using forensic techniques to gather evidence in order to demonstrate what actually happened. During this super intense session, Paula will demonstrate techniques used by hackers to hide traces and forensic techniques that indicate how these activities were performed. Extremely technical session!

Paula Januszkiewicz


Paula Januszkiewicz is the world renowned IT Security Consultant and Penetration Tester, Enterprise Security MVP and trainer (MCT) and Microsoft Security Trusted Advisor. Paula Januszkiewicz is the Founder and CEO of CQURE. She has her heart and soul in the company, having deep belief that high quality and positive thinking are key to success. In CQURE she devoted herself to her passion: Security Consulting – both for Management and IT Engineers, Penetration Tests, Architecture Consulting, Trainings (Authored), Seminars. She did hundreds of security projects, including those for governmental organizations, she is also is also a top speaker at many well- known conferences including Microsoft Ignite (she was rated No 1 Speaker among 1100 other Speakers), TechEd North America, TechEd Europe, TechEd Middle East, RSA, TechDays, CyberCrime, etc., and is often rated as number- one speaker. Paula is engaged as a keynote speaker for security related events and she writes articles on Windows Security. She holds multiple Microsoft certifications, besides being familiar with and possessing certifications in other related technologies. Paula is passionate about sharing her knowledge with others. In private, she enjoys researching new technologies, which she converts to authored trainings. She wrote a book about Threat Management Gateway 2010, and is working on her next book. She has access to a source code of Windows! Every year she makes over 200 flights each year to gain more and more experience, provides security consulting for the Customers and delivers penetration tests. Paula is a type that suffers when doing nothing, you can always expect some thoughtful ideas and interesting arguments.