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Sweet Sixteen, or Just Server 2012R3? A Glance at the Awesome, the Irritating, the Improved and the Expensive in Server 2016

Server 2016's finally here -- should you be excited or not? Server 2012's arrival a few years ago delivered a huge leap in Server capabilities. For the first time, Windows Server offered a virtual compute and storage infrastructure that not only rivalled the competition, but cost far less to implement. Server 2012R2 delivered mainly fixes and small upgrades, as expected, but where does Server 2016 fit in? Mark Minasi, author of the bestselling 23-year series of Mastering Windows Server books, has the answer, in this quick and entertaining look at Server 2016. You'll hear why Nano Server, the amazingly tiny, secure and extremely cool feature is great… but may cost you a bundle in licenses. You'll be surprised to hear about the central Server feature that gets no new improvements at all. You'll be delighted by the introduction of four simple storage features that propel 2016 storage into "ready for prime time" class. Upon learning of the "finally!" improvements to Hyper-V and Windows Containers, you may not be to, um, contain yourself. So don't miss this talk, or you may never know the dark truth about 2016's Server Core.

Mark Minasi

Minasi Research & Development

Mark is probably best known for his Mastering Windows Server and Complete PC Upgrade and Maintenance Guide books, both of which have seen more than 12 editions and sold over a million copies. An audience member at a recent talk remarked that he believed that Mark could "do a talk on watching paint dry that would be so good that people would be motivated to go home and paint a wall just to experience the joy of drying paint." While this has led to many very tempting offers from the likes of Sherwin-Williams and Behr, he's decided to stay with his first love... technology. Mark's humorous, provocative and yet informative style makes him a favorite of audiences around the world. Mark's firm, MR&D, is based in Pungo, a town in Virginia's Tidewater area which is distinguished by having one and only one traffic light.