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Arhiv predavanj

Poslovni oder: Tehnologija in družba

V sklopu predavanja Tehnologija in družba bomo govorili o kibernetski varnosti, o vplivu digitalne diplomacije in medijev na potek poslovanja. -- ODKLENIMO CELOTEN DIGITALNI POTENCIAL SLOVENIJE Barbara Domicelj, generalna direktorica, Microsoft Slovenija THE ACHIEVEMENTS OF THE MINISTRY OF DIGITAL TRANSFORMATION OF UKRAINE DURING THE FULL-SCALE INVASION Valeriya Ionan, Deputy Minister for Eurointegration, Ministry of Digital Transformation of Ukraine WHY MODULAR APPROACH IS THE RIGHT ONE IN DIGITALISING HEALTHCARE? Anže Droljc, Business Development Director, Better KJE NAJDEMO ODGOVORE NA VPRAŠANJE, KAKO PAMETNO VLAGATI V KIBERNETSKO VARNOST? Matjaž Kosem, CEO, Carbonsec THE JOURNEY TO RELEVANCE Eckhart Eichler, senior technology, strategy and business advisor, FastLane USPEH JE ODVISEN OD ENE STVARI: POVEZANOSTI Matej Raspet, vodja področja Pametne infrastrukture in IoT, Telekom Slovenije IT'S BETTER WHEN THINGS WORK TOGETHER: HOW BUSINESS COMMUNICATION IS CHANGING TO ENABLE SMARTER WORKFLOWS Niko Mijatović, Senior Sales Leader CEE, Nfon ODPRTA DRUŽBA ZNANJA Ajša Vodnik, CEO, AmCham Slovenia in Vice-Chair, AmChams in Europe Davor Malojčić, Central Eastern Europe & Eastern Mediterranean manging director Kyndryl Petra Wagner, Pooblaščenka uprave, Mladisnka knjiga Založba Petra Čiček, Microsoft

Barbara Domicelj

Microsoft d.o.o.

Barbara Domicelj, generalna direktorica Microsofta Slovenija, je svojo kariero v Microsoftu začela z uspešnim vodenjem oddelka za telefonsko prodajo (telesales). Pot jo je nato prek oddelka za srednje velika podjetja vodila na področje prodaje za javno upravo, kjer je kot vodja prodaje soustvarjala strateške Microsoftove projekte v Sloveniji in zgradila pomembna partnerstva v javnem sektorju. Kot direktorica za področje velikih strank in partnerjev za Slovenijo in Albanijo je bila odgovorna za oblikovanje in vodenje raznolikih ekip, ki so presegale načrtovane rezultate. Preden je prevzela vodenje slovenske podružnice Microsofta, je vodila področje prodaje za velika podjetja v celotni Microsoftovi regiji Adriatic. Domiceljeva je po izobrazbi univerzitetna diplomirana ekonomistka, svoje znanje pa je dopolnjevala še na poslovnih šolah INSEAD – The Business School for the World in Wharton School (University of Pennsylvania). Kot odlična poznavalka za upravljanje in preobrazbo poslovne kulture deluje v Združenju Manager in Ameriški gospodarski zbornici v Sloveniji (AmCham Slovenija). Ceni iskrenost, odgovornost in timsko delo ter verjame, da nam lahko s pravim pristopom tehnologija vrne čas, nas naredi varnejše in bolj zdrave ter navdihne našo ustvarjalnost.  

Ajša Vodnik

AmCham Slovenija


Matjaž Kosem

Carbonsec d.o.o.

mag. Matjaž Kosem je takoj po zaključenem dodiplomskem študiju na Fakulteti za elektrotehniko Univerze v Ljubljani svojo poklicno pot začel v enem izmed slovenskih IT-podjetij, kjer se je spoznal s problematiko informacijske varnosti v kompleksnejših okoljih. Od leta 2011 svetuje podjetjem pri reševanju izzivov učinkovite obrambe pred kibernetskim kriminalom. Njegovo zanimanje za informacijsko varnost sega tudi zunaj meja poslovnih in industrijskih okolij, saj je magistriral s področja penetracijskega testiranja povezanih vozil. Od leta 2020 vodi podjetje CARBONSEC d.o.o., ki je specializirano za testiranje kibernetske varnosti v velikih podjetjih.  

Matej Raspet

Telekom Slovenije, d.d.

Matej Raspet je vodja področja Pametna infrastruktura in IoT pri Telekomu Slovenije, v okviru katerega je odgovoren za razvoj rešitev pametnih mest ter rešitev na področju interneta stvari za različne vertikale. Ima več kot 10 let delovnih izkušenj, tekom svoje kariere pa se je ukvarjal tudi z vedenjem potrošnikov ter razvojem in digitalizacijo rešitev za končnega uporabnika.  

Petra Wagner

Mladinska knjiga založba d.d.

Petra Wagner kot pooblaščenka uprave vodi digitalno preobrazbo Mladinske knjige. Posodablja prodajne procese, vzpostavlja digitalno prodajo, oblikuje visoko zmogljive prodajne ekipe in postavlja nove temelje za sodelovanje med marketingom in prodajo. Je tudi članica Upravnega odbora mladih pri Združenju Manager in predstavnica Združenja Manager v projektu digitalizacija in digitalna transformacija v CEC European Managers.  

Davor Malojčić

Kyndryl Ljubljana d.o.o.

Davor Malojčić is the Managing Director of Kyndryl CEE&EM (Central and Eastern Eu-rope & Eastern Mediterranean). Kyndryl professionals partner with leading clients in CEE&EM to modernize applications and systems on the cloud and build, run and main-tain IT environments. Davor has progressive 20+ years experience in business management, sales, and delivery with a proven track record in effective development of diverse cross-country and cross-functional teams. Before joining Kyndryl in 2021 he was General Manager of IBM Global Technology Ser-vices CEE. During his time in IBM he was involved in multiple successful digital transfor-mation projects in government institutions, financial organizations and telecommunica-tion industry in the role of project manager, sales representative and services leader of the local and regional IBM offices. At the beginning of his career, he gained international experience in the oil industry, where he worked as field geophysicist for seismic explora-tion company Western Geophysical in the countries of Western Europe and Africa. Davor has got MBA degree from Henley Management College, UK. He has been develop-ing his business skills through courses and programs in leading business schools such as London Business School, INSEAD, Boston College and Harvard Business School. He has graduated at University of Zagreb, Croatia.  

Petra Čiček


Optimistična sem glede trajnostnega vpliva tehnologije in poslovnih inovacij. Počutim se privilegirana, da vodim strategijo trajnosti in go-to market za Microsoft v srednji in vzhodni Evropi in sodelujem s strankami, partnerji in startupi. Pred to vlogo sem imela različne odgovornosti v Microsoftu v celotnem poslovnem razvoju, svetovanju, trženju in strategiji po srednji in vzhodni Evropi.  

Eckhart Eichler

Fast Lane

Eckhart is a senior technology, strategy and business advisor focusing on identifying and deploying business solutions that enable innovation and sustainable business growth. He has extensive experience in applying technology to achieve accelerated business outcomes as he has worked in the IT industry in Europe and the US for more than 40 years. He witnessed and was involved in the start and expansion of the Internet including fundamental technologies like the World Wide Web. Eckhart has worked in regionaland global leadership positions for various companies including his own successful education and consulting company. Based on his comprehensive understanding of technology and business outcomes he has a track record of developing and expanding the high-tech services business and is very well known in the industry. Currently Eckhart is an independent advisor and consultant as well as CTO and Chief of Strategy for the global, award-winning training and consulting company Fast Lane. Due to his vast experiencehe has been a chairman, speaker and instructor at many international events. For example, Eckhart has been a member and chairman of several program committees like NetWorld+Interop, one of the leading events for information and communications technology. Eckhart is also a gifted writer; he has written various articles and whitepapers over the course of his many years in the industry. Eckhart firmly believes that in today’s (digital) world, it is important to take a holistic approach to business solutions powered by technology. It is required to look into strategy, leadership, structure, corporate culture and technology to successfully thrive in our highly complex and rapidly changing world. With this understanding and his comprehensive global experience inachieving sustainable innovation based on properly applied technology, Eckhartis in high demand as an advisor and speaker on the topic of digital business innovation and transformation.  

Niko Mijatovic


Experienced telco and IT professional, Cloud Pioneer and Cloud business commercial expert. Over the years he has led multiple teams, country organizations and regions across the CEE. Currently Niko is in charge of the NFON Channel Development Department for the CEE region, where he helps NFON channel partners & customers to achieve their desired business outcomes. His role is to assist partners to empower every customer with modern communications capabilities that deliver guaranteed business continuity and ability to communicate from anywhere over any device.  

Anže Droljc

Better, d.o.o.

Anže Droljc, Business Development Director, Better has been working closely with different healthcare professionals around the world for the last 14 years. His focus is to gain insights into their needs and "jobs to be done" to truly understand what IT solutions would help them be better at their work. He has vast experience in product development and global GoTo Market Strategy for digital health platform, clinical registries, clinical information systems, medicine optimisations, and regional eHealth projects.  

Valeriya Ionan

Ministry of Digital Transformation of Ukraine

In charge of digital literacy national program, development and growth of SME, new digital professions, online children protection, eurointegration, and digital transformation of regions. Valeria and her team have launched Diia.Digital Education as a national project. Also, Valeriya’s team has launched Diia.Business as a national project, aimed at helping entrepreneurs. Before working in the Ukrainian government, Valeriya had been an entrepreneur. She launched Quadrate 28 specializing in teams on outsource for SMEs, which has 250+ clients worldwide. Also, she launched MC Today, the first online magazine for entrepreneurs. She's got certificates from the MBA program at Edinburgh Business School Eastern Europe in Marketing, Organizational Behavior, Negotiations. Valeria speaks Ukrainian, Russian, English, and Spanish. Learning Chinese.