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Unleashing Agile Transformation: A Scrum and Azure DevOps Approach

What are the chances that right now, your company is planning, actively running, or trying to repair a (failed) agile transformation? Based on our recent experience, we'd say that the odds are quite high. Are you interested in hearing more about our unique approach to succeeding with agile transformations? Introducing agility through Scrum and DevOps practices and tools can be done on the team, department, or organizational level and is one of the most complex endeavors any organization can undertake. It requires a sustainable approach since production work cannot simply halt, awaiting the completion of the transformation. Moreover, every organization is unique, and so too will be their Scrum and DevOps implementation. This is why we at Agilist IT have developed a unique approach to introducing Scrum and DevOps, with the primary focus on ensuring the sustainability of the transformation. At the heart of our approach is the application of Scrum to facilitate the introduction of Scrum and DevOps. We set up a Scrum-based "optimization process" for transformation activities, running it concurrently with the company's "production process" that is undergoing the transformation. This allows teams to learn by doing, and to iteratively and incrementally introduce changes to the way they do their production work, all while utilizing the power of Azure DevOps as the 'glue' that binds the processes at all levels. Join us to explore our approach which has proven successful in several ongoing transformations. We will explain how we set up the Optimization Scrum Team and what's on its backlog, and highlight the most common pitfalls to avoid.

Ognjen Bajic

Agilist IT Ltd.

Ognjen Bajic is a DevOps Consultant, Professional Scrum Trainer, and Coach with over 25 years of experience in professional software development. Specializing in Microsoft ALM/DevOps tools, he worked with Team Foundation Server (TFS) and later with Azure DevOps since 2004. Ognjen helps teams and organizations adopt agile tools and practices, automate and optimize their development processes and achieve excellence in continuous delivery and DevOps. In his work with teams, focusing on all three aspects of DevOps, people, processes, and tools, he helps them successfully deliver high-quality software often. Ognjen has been speaking extensively at various local and international conferences. He has been awarded by Microsoft as an MVP (Most Valuable Professional) for Visual Studio and Development Technologies annually since 2006. He also holds several Microsoft development, project management, and Scrum certifications.  

Ana Roje Ivancic

Agilist IT Ltd

Ana is a DevOps Consultant and Azure DevOps specialist (ex VSTS/TFS) with 20+ years of experience in professional software development. She believes that the right combination of agile practices and integrated tools can help software development teams achieve continuous value delivery for their customers. Ana frequently speaks at various local and international industry conferences and regularly delivers training workshops. Microsoft has awarded her as an MVP for Developer Technologies. She is a licensed Professional Scrum Trainer (PST) at Scrum.org and holds several Microsoft development and Scrum certifications.