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Arhiv predavanj

Build your own Hybrid BI solution

Where is your data now? Are you a startup or a relatively small and new company that hosts all of its data in the cloud? Well, most of you are not. We have invested in our infrastructure, and built our OLTP and OLAP databases, which took years and we are not willing to move them all into the cloud at once. There are many challenges that a company might face during the process of moving either the data or the BI solution into the cloud: Will ALL of my data be available for reporting and analysis during the transition? Will my sensitive data be protected well during refresh cycles and the movement into the cloud? Will my future cloud-based BI solution be flexible enough to support further data source location changes? Will it be able to support data from cloud-based services that my company might use in the future? In this demo-oriented session you will see how you can build an end-to-end cloud based BI solution by using Power BI components in both Excel and Office 365. The focus will be on utilizing components such as the Power BI Admin Center (for Data Source management), the Data Management Gateway (a component that will allow you to connect to your on-premises data sources), different tools for data integration tasks (Power Query and SSIS), and best practices for retrieving on-premises data as well as data hosted in Azure Virtual Machines, Azure SQL, HDInsight, or data that is available through OData feeds. You will also learn how you can build your visualizations using two new Power BI tools – Power BI Dashboards and the Power BI Designer.

Dejan Pervulov

Microsoft MVP

As a technical consultant Dejan participated in numerous ERP, CRM and DWH/BI projects in the region. He has also been involved in development with Microsoft technologies for the last 15 years. He holds MCT, MCSE, MCSA, MCSD, MCDBA, MCTS, and MCITP, certifications. As a Microsoft Certified Trainer he was involved in the preparation and delivery of trainings in several school centers in Serbia. Since October 2014, he has been a Microsoft MVP for SQL Server.