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Manage your Images with the Rock Star of the deployment tools: Deployment Image Servicing and Managment (DISM)

Managing your images is easier than ever with DISM! Whether your images are stored in the .wim or .vhd format DISM is the tool you’ll want to use when it comes time to make changes to your images. DISM allows you to add, remove and enumerate packages and drivers, enable or disable Windows features, configure international settings, upgrade a Windows image to a different edition, provide better logging capabilities, service all platforms 32-bit, and 64-bit. If you have ever struggled with Package Manager (pkgmgr), Windows Preinstallation Environment (PE) command-line tool PEimg or Intlcfg – DISM replaces them all. Plus DISM is great for helping to document exactly what is in an image so you wont have to! In the past we used Microsoft’s Setup Manager to create automated unattended answer files for deploying XP and Server 2003. But there is a new tool in town and it is awesome. It’s called Windows System Image Manager and is more robust than Setup Manager ever dreamed of being. But there is a learning curve to it. If you have ever launched this tool and couldn’t figure out where to start, let Rhonda Layfield, who is one of 17 Deployment MVPs in the world, show you how to quickly and easily create automated unattended answer files that can be used to install Vista or Server 2008 from DVD or an image stored on a WDS server. Learn about configuration passes: what they are and how you can make them work for you. Lots of demos and step-by-steps to get you started immediately.

Rhonda Layfield

Deployment Done Right

Rhonda Layfield je svetovno priznana predavateljica, redna gostja na mednarodnih IT-konferencah, soavtorica knjig “Windows Server 2003” ter “Windows Server 2008”, ki trenutno sodeluje tudi pri pisanju knjige "Microsoft's Free Deployment Tools” in redno pripravlja članke za revijo “Windows IT Pro magazine”. Ima nazive MCSE (Microsoft Certified Systems Engineer), Setup and Deployment MVP (Most Valuable Professional) in Desktop Deployment Product Specialist (DDPS). V svoji bogati 25-letni karieri je delala kot komunikacijska strokovnjakinja v ameriški mornarici in kot varnostna analitičarka pri elektro podjetju, pozneje pa številnim velikim podjetjem svetovala pri varnih namestitvah, zaščiti in racionalizaciji njihovih informacijskih virov.