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Migrate XP to Windows 7 Without Loosing any User or Application Settings

Need to migrate 5 or 50,000 Windows XP machines to Windows 7 while maintaining your users documents, settings and application setting? Microsoft’s Deployment Toolkit (MDT 2010) is the tool for you. This session provides you with not only the understanding of how to migrate your XP machines to Windows 7 but also the step-by-step instructions to take home with you for creating a repeatable and automated migration. You’ll be ready the day you get back to work to implement these tried and true steps. Let Deployment MVP Rhonda Layfield show you some tips and tricks that took her months to master so you don’t make the same mistakes to ensure your migration of Windows XP goes smoothly, efficiently, and makes you the star in your IT department.

Rhonda Layfield

Deployment Done Right

Rhonda Layfield je svetovno priznana predavateljica, redna gostja na mednarodnih IT-konferencah, soavtorica knjig “Windows Server 2003” ter “Windows Server 2008”, ki trenutno sodeluje tudi pri pisanju knjige "Microsoft's Free Deployment Tools” in redno pripravlja članke za revijo “Windows IT Pro magazine”. Ima nazive MCSE (Microsoft Certified Systems Engineer), Setup and Deployment MVP (Most Valuable Professional) in Desktop Deployment Product Specialist (DDPS). V svoji bogati 25-letni karieri je delala kot komunikacijska strokovnjakinja v ameriški mornarici in kot varnostna analitičarka pri elektro podjetju, pozneje pa številnim velikim podjetjem svetovala pri varnih namestitvah, zaščiti in racionalizaciji njihovih informacijskih virov.