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Arhiv predavanj

Patterns & Practices: Claims based Identity and Access Control

Security in general, and authentication & authorization in particular, is a consistently highly rated concern for our customers. These concerns are especially elevated with those considering the cloud, because they don’t have as much control on the cloud as they would typically have in their own datacenters. Claims based Identity on the Microsoft platform has never been easier! In this session we will give you an introduction to claims based authentication and will demonstrate it in action with various scenarios: from on-premises solutions, to applications deployed on Windows Azure. We will cover Windows Identity Foundation, the .NET framework way of "claims enabling" your applications, Windows Azure Access Control Service and ADFS; Microsoft service and server to issue security tokens

Scott Densmore


Scott Densmore je v podjetju Microsoft višji inženir za razvoj programske opreme. Osredotoča se na računalništvo v oblaku in mobilne naprave. Že več kot 15 let piše programsko kodo in ustvarja vsebine, povezane s tehnologijo. Njegova spletna stran je na naslovu http://scottdensmore.typepad.com/, na družabnem omrežju Twitter pa ga lahko najdete pod uporabniškim imenom @scottdensmore