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SharePoint Granular Recovery module

<p>Today, more data than ever is moved from unstructured repositories to SharePoint farms. Very convenient for users, but SharePoint administrators have to face more complex data protection scenarios, increasing risk associated with disaster recoveries. In order to address backup window requirements in most of the cases snapshot-based backups are used for protecting the data. The biggest challenge in those scenarios is single item recovery (document, image, etc&hellip;). It requires complex workflow and cooperation between backup, SharePoint farm and SharePoint content administrators. </p> <p>&nbsp;</p> <p>The session provides detailed overview and comparison between the different approaches to the granular recovery challenge provided by: internal SharePoint backup, DPM for SharePoint and ComTrade Advanced Granular Recovery module for SharePoint 2007/2010 (<a href="http://storage.comtrade.com/files/SPGranularRecovery.pdf">http://storage.comtrade.com/files/SPGranularRecovery.pdf</a>). </p>

Igor Lautar

Principal Software Architect, ComTrade