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Arhiv predavanj

Test Automation with Visual Studio 2010: Coded UI Tests and Lab Management

Test automation with Visual Studio has never looked so good! In this session we will take a detailed look at coded UI tests, which can be used to create fully automated UI tests for Silverlight, Windows Forms, WPF, and web applications. You will learn some techniques for creating robust coded UI tests which can be maintained over time along with your evolving application. We will then spend the second half of this session examining Visual Studio 2010 Lab Management. You will learn how to enable “continuous delivery” of your code changes into one or more virtual test labs, and enable a fully-automated build-deploy-test workflow.

Brian Keller


Brian Keller je Microsoftov tehnični evangelist, specializiran za Visual Studio. Microsoftu se je pridružil leta 2002 in vse od takrat je reden gost mednarodnih IT-konferenc. Je sovoditelj popularne oddaje „This Week on Channel 9” in ima pomembno vlogo na spletni strani MSDN Channel 9, kjer Microsoftovi strokovnjaki v t. i. prispevkih „za kulisami” predstavljajo Microsoftove izdelke in novosti. V prostem času boste Briana morda srečali med pohodništvom, plezanjem, smučanjem ali celo surfanjem.