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Arhiv predavanj

Software Testing with Microsoft Test Manager 11 and Lab Management 11

In this session we'll cover the improvements to Microsoft Test Manager and Lab Management which will make it easier to conduct manual and automated testing across a variety of environments. We'll cover the new exploratory testing approach offered by Microsoft Test Manager- the simplified setup and administration of Lab Management environments- and some of the other fit-and-finish features offered across the testing offering. Whether you are a tester or a developer, this session will have something for you.

Brian Keller


Brian Keller je Microsoftov višji tehnični evangelist, specializiran za Visual Studio in upravljanje življenjskega cikla aplikacij. Predaval je na konferencah po vsem svetu, ob tem pa vodil programe za predstavitev Microsoftovih tehnologij v razvoju t.i. zgodnjim uporabnikom. Brian je sovoditelj priljubljene oddaje This Week on Channel 9, ima pomembno vlogo na spletnem mestu MSDN Channel 9 in je soavtor knjig Professional Application Lifecycle Management with Visual Studio 2010 ter Professional Team Foundation Server 2010.