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ETL Shootout, SSIS vs Powershell

I know what you're thinking, Powershell is not an ETL tool. And you're probably right. But I keep running into weird requests that were just easier to fix with Powershell. I'll show you why some things are not easy in SSIS. I'll also discuss how you can work around a lot of that instead of switching to Powershell like I did. This session will be around 70% "why is this hard in SSIS and can you work around it?" and 30% "Look how cool Powershell is"

André Kamman

I’m a SQL Server consultant based in the Netherlands, an MVP and I'm part of the team that runs the Dutch PASS Chapter & SQL Saturday’s. I’ve done a whole lot of pure DBA work managing 100's of servers. Currently the better part of my day is spent with SSIS. In both roles I’ve been using Powershell a lot. I joke sometimes that I replaced myself with a powershell script when leaving the DBA role, but these days I automate so much that I have to watch myself and not actually do just that ;-)