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Arhiv predavanj

Team Foundation Service - Microsoft ALM in the cloud

Team Foundation Service is a Microsoft ALM service in the cloud. It’s not just a Team Foundation Server hosted in Windows Azure, it’ a set of features which enables project planning, collaboration with a team and managing your code online, accessible from everywhere. TF Service is the easiest and quickest way to adopt an ALM practices in your development team. During the lecture you’ll see how you can plan and track your project in the cloud, how to manage the code and run tests online, how to build solution on the build service in the cloud and how to connect TF Service with the Azure web site. For the whole process of plan-code-test-build-deploy workflow all you and your team need is a Team Foundation Service account. During the lecture with a lot of demos you will see how easy you can do all of that, but also you will learn about some limitations and specifics you should be aware of, before you start your ALM project with Team Foundation Service.

Ivan Kardum


Visual Studio ALM MVP. Consultant, project manager and developer lead. Ivan has been professionally developing software using C++ and .NET and working as a software architect since 1999. He has been working in numerous projects as a consultant and ALM expert. Ivan is also certified as a project manager. He is PMP (Project Management Professional) and has led several successful software development projects in the past few years. He holds regular training workshops and speaks extensively about his experiences at various events like Microsoft Windays, Advanced Technology Day, ALM Days and TeamConf. He has also written several articles for the most populat Croatian computer magazine. In his lectures, workshops and articles he is mostly focused on ALM, project management and software architecture topics.