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Arhiv predavanj

(At least) 5 awesome things you can do with Roslyn

Roslyn is the future of C# and Visual Basic.NET - a new, unified compiler that will also give you CaaS or Compiler as a Service. So the question remains what can you do with it? To find out, come to this session packed with advanced applications and usages. See how you can build Visual Studio extensions, create your own editors or host C# compiler to form a scripting environment. Maybe you can create your own C# version of node.js or prepare similar environments. And also much, much more.

Toni Petrina

Ekobit d.o.o.

Toni Petrina is a Microsoft MVP for C#, developer, speaker, blogger and technology enthusiast. He has years of professional experience working on range of technologies, but recent focus is on Windows Phone and Windows 8 as a platform. He works at Ekobit on C++ and C# projects in range of technologies (MFC, .NET, WPF, Windows Phone/Store). Loves to blog about cool new technology, speak at regional conferences and events and help on forums. You can find him at his blog, twitter or Stack Overflow.