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Modern Apps for IT Pros

<p>Whether you call them "Metro apps," "Windows 8 Design-Style apps,", "RT apps," or "modern apps," the new class of apps for Windows 8 and later tablets are not only here to stay, they also offer some interesting advantages and challenges for IT pros. </p> <p>Much has been written about nodern apps, but 99% of that was written with developers in mind. That makes a certain amount of sense, as no one's going to ask us IT pros to support software that hasn't yet been written, but given that the Windows Store added its 100,000th modern app back in July of 2013, it's reasonable to assert that the time has come for IT pros to know out more about the members of the six-figure army. How are they structured? ARE they more secure? Where are they stored? What options do you have to deploy them? What about "sideloading," the method to roll out home-grown line of business apps? Join veteran Windows techie Mark Minasi in an informative, entertaining and real-world look at the latest crop of Windows apps! </p> <p>-Understand the modern application proposition: how they're different from desktop apps in terms of capabilities, security, and the realities of running on small devices<br /> -Know what you can and can't do in deploying modern apps <br /> -Learn how to build and deploy a "sideloaded" modern app without the Windows Store </p>

Mark Minasi

Mark Minasi (MR&D) je avtor številnih uspešnic, pisec, komentator in svetovalec na področju informacijskih tehnologij. Najbolj poznan je po svojih delih "Mastering Windows Server" in "Complete PC Upgrade and Maintenance Guide". Je izredno priljubljen govorec in vodja seminarjev na tehničnih konferencah po svetu, saj s sproščenim in zabavnim pristopom tudi najbolj poglobljenim tehničnim vsebinam vdihne preprostost in zabavnost, pri svojem delu pa je osredotočen na operacijske sisteme in omrežja.