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Arhiv predavanj

SQL Server Optimization for Advanced Developers - part 1

<p style="background: white;"><span style="color: black; font-family: 'Helvetica','sans-serif'; font-size: 10pt;">In this double session I will walk you through various ways of diagnosing the performance state of your SQL Server and databases. Through wait statistics, performance counters and dynamic management views, I'll not only show how to identify where your bottlenecks are but also what might cause them and how to get rid of them. As this is a session for advanced developers I'll not only show the database side, but also relate back to example application code that might be causing the problems you see.</span></p>

Mark S. Rasmussen

iPaper A/S

Mark has worked extensively with SQL Server, primarily focused on performance optimization and internals. Besides SQL Server Mark is also proficient in the Microsoft .NET development stack with a decade of experience. Fueled by his interest in the nitty-gritty details and feedback from an early presentation, Mark started the OrcaMDF open source project that aims to provide a completely standalone parser for SQL Server MDF files. Mark is an active member of the Danish community, speaking avidly at local events & user groups and is recognized by Microsoft as a Microsoft Designated Information Provider. Furthermore he blogs actively at http://improve.dk