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Arhiv predavanj

What’s New in The Deployment Tools

With the highly anticipated release of Windows 8 Microsoft reimagined all the deployment tools as well. But don’t worry they still deploy Windows 7 and Server OSs. The replacement of Windows Automated Installation Kit (Windows AIK) with Windows Assessment and Deployment Kit (Windows ADK) is huge news – find out why and what you have to do to make it work. Windows Deployment Service 2012 (WDS) has some new features (the Expected Deployment Results wizard) and improvements to the old features like driver filtering on models of machine. MDT 2012 Update 1 can now integrate Orchestrator Runbooks which is no easy task, but the sky is the limit for what they can do for your deployments. And GPO packs must be created and implemented manually for Windows 8 and Server 2012 images, let Rhonda show you how to quickly create custom GPO packs and much much more with the new Security Configuration Manager 3.0 tool. The latest version of SCCM (CM 2012 SP1) has finally arrived and boy was it worth the wait – learn the newest features and how they can make your Operating System Deployments (OSDs) more flexible and simple from creating your own Deployment wizard to remotely controlling target machines during deployment, even in the WinPE phase. Integration of Microsoft’s deployment tools has always provided the most powerful and feature rich deployment solutions, learn which integrations are a must.

Rhonda Layfield

Deployment Done Right

Rhonda Layfield je svetovno priznana predavateljica , redna gostja na mednarodnih IT konferencah, soavtorica knjig “Windows Server 2003” ter “Windows Server 2008”, ki trenutno sodeluje tudi pri pisanju "Microsoft's Free Deployment Tools” in redno pripravlja članke za revijo “Windows IT Pro magazine”. Je MCSE (Microsoft Certified Systems Enginee), Setup and Deployment MVP (Most Valuable Professional) in Desktop Deployment Product Specialist (DDPS). V svoji bogati 25 letni karieri je delala kot komunikacijski strokovnjak v ameriški mornarici in varnostni analitik pri elektro podjetju, kasneje pa številnim velikim podjetjem svetovala pri varnih namestitvah, zaščiti in racionalizaciji njihovih informacijskih virov.