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Windows Clusters for Beginners: From Highly Fearful to Highly Reliable in 75 Minutes!

<p>Running Windows servers? Great. Making them more reliable with Windows clusters? No? Hey, that's got to change,you're SO gonna love 'em. Listen... Since 1998, Windows clusters have helped admins deliver network services (file/print, SQL, Hyper-V, etc) more reliably. Clusters build on the simple principle of ""two heads are better than one. That means that let's say we've got two SQL/Hyper-V/file servers, each of whom have, say, a one percent chance of failure. Glue 'em together to create a "two-node" cluster, and you can end up with a SQL, Hyper-V or file server with a joint expected failure rate of as little as 0.01 percent. Until the advent of Server 2012, however, clusters were expensive both hardware- and software-wise, and complex to set up, and so many techies gave them a miss, and that's a shame. With Server 2012, Windows clustering gets quite a bit cheaper, but unfortunately the vast majority of Windows Server admins are still not using this great, now-inexpensive in-the-box technology.</p> <p>While clustering is useful, many folks aren't using it because they just don't have the time to learn how to put it together... and that's why you should attend this talk. Join Mark Minasi, author of the best-selling Mastering Windows Server series in a fast, fun, clear explanation of Windows clusters. We guarantee you'll never build a cluster again without hearing someone singing, "can I get a WITNESS???" in your head!</p> <p> -Understand where clusters can benefit your organization<br /> -Know what Windows clusters CAN'T do, as not everything is cluster-able<br /> -Learn the "parts, pieces and connectors" you'll need for a cluster, and where Server 2012 clusters can be considerably cheaper than older clusters<br /> -Understand enough about clusters to decide whether or not the "can I get a witness" comment was funny or not<br /> -See where 2012 and 2012R2 can help you build "champagne availability on a beer budget</p>

Mark Minasi

Mark Minasi (MR&D) je avtor številnih uspešnic, pisec, komentator in svetovalec na področju informacijskih tehnologij. Najbolj poznan je po svojih delih "Mastering Windows Server" in "Complete PC Upgrade and Maintenance Guide". Je izredno priljubljen govorec in vodja seminarjev na tehničnih konferencah po svetu, saj s sproščenim in zabavnim pristopom tudi najbolj poglobljenim tehničnim vsebinam vdihne preprostost in zabavnost, pri svojem delu pa je osredotočen na operacijske sisteme in omrežja.