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Azure+PowerShell: Two Shades of Blue

When you need to quickly provision and reliably manage environment on Microsoft Azure nothing beats automation. This session shows you how to use the Microsoft Azure PowerShell cmdlets to automate most aspects of your Microsoft Azure Infrastructure Services deployments directly from PowerShell. Learn how to manage Microsoft Azure Virtual Machines and prevent their configuration drift using Windows PowerShell Desired State Configuration. We demonstrate how to work with the components of Microsoft Azure Infrastructure Services applying DevOps principles from the beginning to the end of life of your Microsoft Azure resources.

Aleksandar Nikolič

Microsoft MVP

Aleksandar Nikolic is a Microsoft MVP for Windows PowerShell, an Azure Insider, a co-founder of PowerShellMagazine.com, and the community manager of PowerShell.com. He is very experienced presenting and speaking to Microsoft customers, and have facility for describing complex management and automation tasks even to beginning and novice users and scripters. He also delivers PowerShell and Azure training courses around the world. For the last two years he's been working closely with Microsoft Azure PowerShell team providing feedback and influencing design of Azure Powershell cmdlets. You can find him on Twitter (https://twitter.com/alexandair) and LinkedIn (http://www.linkedin.com/in/alexandair).