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Arhiv predavanj

Dell Advantage

• COMMON CUSTOMER CHALLENGES: Organizations face common macro-level, external challenges, including disruptive technology trends, changing business models, and shifting work paradigms. In addition, organizations face a wide range of common internal IT challenges when evolving to meet changing demands: • Siloed IT environment: Highly fragmented, heterogeneous infrastructures are extremely difficult to manage and support. • Costly legacy systems: Outdated mainframe and proprietary UNIX platforms are often too expensive to operate and maintain. • Underperforming workloads: New computing trends—Cloud, BYOD, Big Data—expose the limitations of outdated applications. • Scalability constraints: Rigid architectures are not equipped to handle new performance demands and the rapid growth of data. • Low budgets: Budgets are not growing fast enough—or not growing all—to satisfy new requirements using old methods. • Limited skillsets: Lack of expertise leads to slower technology adoption, as well as potential implementation risks. In the course of this presentation, I’d like to show you how Dell addresses these challenges not only through the capabilities we bring to market, but also in how we approach the design and development of our products, services, and solutions in ways that are truly unique and better.

Teodor Lango


Account Executive Adriatic Region