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Arhiv predavanj

Modern Web Tooling in Visual Studio 2015

Learn how Visual Studio 2015 integrates with popular modern web tools and client-side frameworks to provide a better and more powerful development experience than ever. Join Mads as he walks you through the use of Gulp, Bower and npm and see how Visual Studio 2015 works with these tools to bring new and better workflows to web development.

Mads Kristensen


Mads Kristensen is a Sr. Program Manager on the Web Platforms & Tools team at Microsoft working on the web developer experiences of Visual Studio. He has over a decade of experience in developing web applications on the Microsoft platform which got him the honor of becoming both an ASP.NET MVP and ASPInsider. Mads is also the creator of BlogEngine.NET, Web Developer Checklist, SchemaStore.org and Web Essentials, Image Optimizer and Voice Commands for Visual Studio.