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Office 2016 – The next generation

Just like the interstellar travelers the title references, this session will also take you "where no one has gone before". It will show you the new Office, which goes by the name Office 2016 and takes the beloved Office apps to a whole new dimension. We will go through all the greatest hits (Word, Outlook, PowerPoint...) but mostly we will talk about the application which (once again) got the biggest boost. You guessed it, it's Excel. The name that is so often associated with Office is that it is a productivity suite and with the new version, it's one step closer to being exactly that! Qapla :)

Gašper Kamenšek

Kompas Xnet

The most important thing that the study of mathematics ever gave me was the logic view of the world in which there’s only right and wrong (black and white if you will). The only problem is that this purity of mind quickly recognizes that in the “real” world there is no black and white, only different shades of gray (and far more than 50 of those) But that pure mathematical logic was quickly applied to “the digital love of my life”, Excel. In my work as Excel Trainer, I can combine my two great passions, love for teaching and the love for Excel. My determination to spread knowledge in Excel also brought me to start an Excel blog in May of 2014. It’s called Excel Unplugged and can be found at http://excelunplugged.com. In addition of being an Excel trainer, I also teach MS Office, MS Project, MS Visio