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Arhiv predavanj

Angular 2 + TypeScript + ASP.NET Core 1.0

Angular is the most popular Single Page Application Framework. In this session we will look what Angular 2 brings, why to use it with Typescript and how to connect everything with ASP.NET Core 1.0 (formerly known as ASP.NET 5). Angular and ASP.NET Core are favorite frameworks inside our dev team, so you'll see examples and tips&tricks from practice. Angular je postao najpopularniji Single Page Application framework. Pogledajmo što nam nosi Angular 2, kako i zašto ga treba koristiti s TypeScriptom, te kako se povezuje s novim ASP.NET Core-om 1.0 (bivši ASP.NET 5). Kako su Angular i novi ASP.NET omiljeni frameworci u našem dev teamu, saznat ćete i korisne savjete iz prakse.

Marko Tošić

Proteron savjetovanje d.o.o.

Marko Tošić has graduated from Faculty of Electrical Engineering and Computing in Zagreb, with degree in Computer Science after which he spent 5 years in Microsoft Croatia as a Consultant. Currently he is working in Proteron, primarly focused on new technologies regarding web, mobile and BI solutions in the cloud. In his own time he attends rock concerts and festivals, catches on some good SF/fantasy book and tries to play football without breaking anything.