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Arhiv predavanj

ASP.NET Core, Azure, AngularJS: Let’s have a Core party in the Cloud

We’ll start with the new ASP.NET Core templates in VS and what you’ll get out-of-the-box. Then you’ll learn how to remotely debug core apps on Azure App Service. From there we’ll talk about extending Swashbuckle in Core to better control Swagger output for code consumers. We’ll use Swagger’s front-end GUI to test the API. Then we’ll add security to the API using AAD and Azure Easy Auth, and then turn to building the client, which is an Azure hosted Web App. In this app we make use of the built-in CORS features in App Service to control access to the API App. Then, we’ll look at ways the client code can be authenticated to AAD as well, and explore some of options in creating apps that make use of these topics.

Brady Gaster


Brady Gaster is a Program Manager on the Azure App Service Visual Studio tools team at Microsoft. He helps create tools and SDKs to make it easier for developers to party in the cloud. Brady likes to talk about his favorite technologies - Azure, SignalR, ASP.NET, REST APIs, and IoT - in sessions and on his blog, www.bradygaster.com. You can find Brady on Twitter at @bradygaster when he's not tinkering with the ASP.NET stack, Windows Azure, devices running the .NET Micro Framework, or making music in his basement using various synthesizers, guitars, and turntables.