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Arhiv predavanj

Create The Internet of Your Things: example of real systems

Introduction to an Internet of Things system. This session will go thru a real system: my own sprinkler system including sensors, data manipulation, consumption, BI. This will give you an overview of a full projects, from the device side to the storage, consumption, analyze and insights. Boards like Raspberry Pi running Linux, Windows as well as Arduino and Netduino are used. The server side is based on Azure using services like Azure IoT Hub, Stream Analytics, Mobile Services, SQL Azure and more!

Laurent Ellerbach


Laurent Ellerbach drives technical evangelism and marketing teams over Central and Eastern Europe targeting professionals of IT and Developers. He is working at Microsoft for 18 years. He is in charge to engage and satisfy technical audiences like professional developers, technical students through online, events and content. He manages remote teams over 30 countries in Central and Eastern Europe. Laurent has both an engineering degree from ParisTech Arts et Métiers (France) and a Marketing degree from ESCP Europe. He loves both technologies and marketing, and practices both for his job and hobbies. He also gives marketing courses at business schools as well as internally at Microsoft. Laurent is a certified Lego Serious Play facilitator. He is the happy father of 2 boys. Laurent is also a fan of Lego, cheese and good wine.