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Data in Windows 10 UWP: XML, JSON, SQLite or Entity Framework Core?

Over the years, Microsoft has offered a number of data access technologies such as MDAC, ADO.NET, Entity Framework and SQLClient, and client-side databases such as SQL Server CE and Jet. But in the brave new world of UWP, at first glance, Microsoft appears to be offering – nothing! Not so. In UWP, we have Windows.Storage APIs for efficient async file storage, and XML and JSON serializers for converting in-memory data objects to and from tokenized strings for file storage or network transfer. Entity Framework 7 allows you to define your data objects “code-first” and then use a provider to store in a backing store that in a UWP app can be in-memory or SQLite. Speaking of SQLite – yes, we have great support for that as well, through a variety of different wrappers that allow you to program against it using SQL statements, or through lightweight ORMs. And for creating a cloud backend for your mobile app, including support for offline and datasync, we have the excellent Azure App Service Mobile App SDKs. In this talk, we’ll look at the pros and cons of each technique, and leave you with a clear idea of how to handle data in your UWP app.

Andy Wigley


Andy Wigley works as a Senior Developer Evangelist for Microsoft DX (Developer eXperience), responsible for developer education, workshops and events around Windows 10 and the Universal Windows Platform. He joined Microsoft in 2012, and before that was a prominent member of the mobile app developers’ community and was proud to be awarded as a Microsoft Most Valuable Professional (MVP) for 10 consecutive years. Andy is well-known for the Developers’ Guide to Windows 10 and Windows Phone JumpStart videos which are available on Microsoft Virtual Academy and on http://channel9.msdn.com. He has written a number of books for developers published by Microsoft Press and is a regular speaker at major industry conferences.