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Digitaly enabled Healthcare services

Cloud services have been with us for quite a long time and it looks like that they will stick with us for even longer. After the early adopters moved their services to the cloud almost immediately, they proved the cloud works with their success stories, as where other, more conservative industries, are only now looking forward to move their current and future services to the cloud, as they see it is finally mature. These industries are typically more regulated, have stronger security and privacy concerns and have long investment cycles. One of them is Healthcare. Healthcare institutions, small and big, are starting to »open the borders« of their IT services in pursuing better collaboration among themselves and the general public citizens. The focus is moving toward interoperability and patient centric care. Parsek's eHealth solution Vitaly is a hub between HealthCare institutions and patients/citizens. And yes, it is cloud-based for many good reasons. In this lecture we are going to discuss how Vitaly has transitioned to Microsoft Azure, what were the challenges of adopting Azure services while transforming the on-premises deployment architecture to the on cloud one and what we've learned during the process.

Matej Železnik

Parsek d.o.o.

Matej Železnik, vodja DevOps v podjetju Parsek d.o.o.  

Matija Klasinc

Parsek d.o.o.