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Habits and Practices of the best DevOps organizations

In the last ten years, DevOps has emerged as the predominant standard for efficient management of the overall software lifecycle. In this session we will describe a number of habits and practices covering all phases of the development cycle that ensure efficient organization of development teams, reliable code quality, uninterrupted flow through the delivery pipeline and timely reaction when problems in the production environment occur. Demonstrations based on the Visual Studio Team Services / Team Foundation Server 2017 platform will accompany selected topics.

Ognjen Bajić

Microsoft MVP

Ognjen Bajic is consultant, architect and project manager at Croatian company Ekobit (www.ekobit.com). Previously, for more than a decade he was full time C++ and .NET developer. Ognjen manages teams that develop commercial software packages, some of which are sold in hundreds of thousands of copies. His main points of interest are the agile software development methodologies used to develop high quality, (almost :-)) bug free software. Ognjen has been leading the development of TeamCompanion, TFS client embedded in Outlook (www.teamcompanion.com) from its beginning. Implementing best practices, using his knowledge and experience and introducing the most appropriate tools, Ognjen helps customers optimize their development processes and achieve excellence in continuous delivery and DevOps. He has been working with Microsoft Visual Studio ALM tools since summer 2004 and has been speaking extensively about his experiences at various local and international events like Microsoft TechEd, NT Konferenca or WinDays. Ognjen has been awarded MVP (Most Valuable Professional) for VS ALM annually since 2006. He also holds following certificates: PMP, MCSD:ALM, MCTS:TFS, MCSD.NET, CSM and PSM I.  

Ana Roje Ivančić

Microsoft MVP

Ana is an DevOps and Agile consultant and Microsoft Visual Studio Team Services/Team Foundation Server specialist at Ekobit, Croatia. Since 2005, she has been implementing ALM/DevOps environments for development teams of different sizes. This includes the full set of services related to planning, installation, integration and customization, as well as training and coaching. Besides that, her main points of interest include agile and lean software development practices and tools. Ana frequently speaks about her extensive experiences at various local and international industry conferences and regularly delivers customer tailored training workshops. She has been awarded by Microsoft as a Visual Studio ALM MVP in the award category Visual Studio and Development Technologies. Additionally, she holds certificates for MCSD:ALM, PSM I, PSM II, CSM, MCTS:TFS and MCSD.NET.