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Arhiv predavanj

Looking for success using Agile? Agilna transformacija v SAOP d.o.o.

A year ago SAOP decided to transform their development process from a mainly traditional to a much more agile model. Since then, they implemented a new Team Foundation Server based development environment, new Scrum and Kanban based processes, and trained everyone in the company. This session brings you first-hand experiences from this exciting journey, presented by the SAOP’s CTO who has driven the process and the ALM/DevOps consultant who has guided the company in this transition. Join us to learn how SAOP successfully embraced the transformation of their development process and already started achieving better quality, higher performance and more business agility. Curious to learn in which directions the journey continues?

Ognjen Bajić

Microsoft MVP

Ognjen Bajic is consultant, architect and project manager at Croatian company Ekobit (www.ekobit.com). Previously, for more than a decade he was full time C++ and .NET developer. Ognjen manages teams that develop commercial software packages, some of which are sold in hundreds of thousands of copies. His main points of interest are the agile software development methodologies used to develop high quality, (almost :-)) bug free software. Ognjen has been leading the development of TeamCompanion, TFS client embedded in Outlook (www.teamcompanion.com) from its beginning. Implementing best practices, using his knowledge and experience and introducing the most appropriate tools, Ognjen helps customers optimize their development processes and achieve excellence in continuous delivery and DevOps. He has been working with Microsoft Visual Studio ALM tools since summer 2004 and has been speaking extensively about his experiences at various local and international events like Microsoft TechEd, NT Konferenca or WinDays. Ognjen has been awarded MVP (Most Valuable Professional) for VS ALM annually since 2006. He also holds following certificates: PMP, MCSD:ALM, MCTS:TFS, MCSD.NET, CSM and PSM I.  

Robert Leskovar

SAOP d.o.o.

Od 2016 direktor razvoja in informatike v srednje velikem podjetju SAOP d.o.o., ki je del mednarodne skupine Solitea a.s. Podjetje razvija poslovne rešitve (ERP sisteme) za mikro, majhna in srednje velika podjetja ter javne organizacije, nameščene v oblaku ali lokalno. Diplomiral (1998) in doktoriral (2002) iz računalništva in informatike, resneje (t.j. za naročnike) pa razvijal programsko opremo že v srednji šoli. Sprva delal v akademskem okolju, nato v gospodarstvu v različnih vlogah - od projektnega vodje do glavnega razvijalca in svetovalca, nato v vodstvenih vlogah; od mikro startup okolja do okolja velikega mednarodnega podjetja. Motivira ga ustvarjanje širše družbene koristi z aplikacijo računalniške tehnologije.