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Arhiv predavanj

Office 365 Administrative Access Controls

Microsoft has invested heavily and accordingly in systems and controls that automate most Office 365 operations while intentionally limiting Microsoft’s access to customer content. Humans govern the service, and software operates the service. This session provides details on Microsoft’s approach to administrative access in Office 365, and the isolation, personnel, and technology controls that are in place to safeguard the services and processes in Office 365.

Scott Schnoll


I am a Senior Program Manager on the Office 365 Customer Experience (CXP) team at Microsoft where I work on cloud transparency, security, compliance, and more. Previously, I authored Exchange Server product documentation on TechNet related to High Availability, Site Resilience, Disaster Recovery, Managed Availability, and other areas. I've also presented content at many events. Areas of expertise include high availability, disaster recovery, site resilience, virtualization, storage, security, and more. Prior to joining Microsoft, I wrote Exchange Server 2003 Distilled, and was the lead author for Exchange 2000 Server: The Complete Reference. I was also a long-time Microsoft MVP in Windows Server, Exchange Server and Rights Management Services.