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Arhiv predavanj

The Secret behind building a ready-to-go Intranet

Ever wondered, how Intranets are built? Our experiences show that many customers often have similar requirements when it comes to an Intranet Portal. In this presentation we share our ideas and best practices about building an Intranet package consisted of the most frequently used components and the benefits it brings. We also discuss, how you can harness the power of React, TypeScript and Office UI Fabric to build robust, powerful and responsive client-side web parts that can be easily integrated and deployed to both SharePoint On-Premise and Online tenants. Lastly, we concentrate on what it takes to build such Intranet with all its applications, intuitive and device independent design, as well as integration of social components to boost user adoption.

Biserka Cvetkovska

Agitavit Solutions d.o.o.

Biserka is a Software Engineer and works in the position of Technical Lead. She has had the chance to deliver enterprise solutions across multiple industries and has been focused mostly on architecture and development of solutions on top of Microsoft SharePoint 2013, 2016 and Online. She is a constant speaker at company events and international SharePoint conferences. Biserka believes that an open community is a stronger community therefore she contributes to it through social media, code sharing, mentoring and blogging.