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Windows as a Service Explained: Really, I've to Upgrade Windows Every Year?

One first things we learned about Windows 10 was that it was the last Windows. That's why it was so jarring to subsequently learn that Microsoft will actually release one or more new versions of Windows annually. So, in other words, while Windows 10 is the last version of Windows, it's, um, not finished, and probably never will be. Odd as it sounds, the idea of a constantly-changing Windows stems from a relatively popular and decade-old software development approach called “agile.” Microsoft’s label for this never-finished Windows is "Windows as a Service.” In just a few words, basically Microsoft will roll out a new version of Windows every six months, and you’ll need to upgrade your systems to that new Windows within a year… or your system won’t get security patches any more. While that sounds a bit nutty, it may herald some truly positive changes for Windows users and administrators, and in any case Windows admins really need to understand the ins and outs of this rapid-fire pace of Windows upgrades. Fortunately for them, veteran Windows expert and bestselling author Mark Minasi has assembled this concise, entertaining short talk explaining Windows as a Service from start to finish. After sitting in this talk, you'll know how high flights are different from low flights, how to control what branch your updates live on, and basically how not to tear your hair out about the new ever-changing Windows.

Mark Minasi

Minasi Research & Development

Mark is probably best known for his Mastering Windows Server and Complete PC Upgrade and Maintenance Guide books, both of which have seen more than 12 editions and sold over a million copies. An audience member at a recent talk remarked that he believed that Mark could "do a talk on watching paint dry that would be so good that people would be motivated to go home and paint a wall just to experience the joy of drying paint." While this has led to many very tempting offers from the likes of Sherwin-Williams and Behr, he's decided to stay with his first love... technology. Mark's humorous, provocative and yet informative style makes him a favorite of audiences around the world. Mark's firm, MR&D, is based in Pungo, a town in Virginia's Tidewater area which is distinguished by having one and only one traffic light.