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Arhiv predavanj

Fun with Legal Information in SQL Server: Determining the Law to Be Used

Learn about typical challenges in legal information retrieval, the techniques used in querying data by determining its legal relevance, and how SQL Server 2016 can be used to simplify some of these techniques. For instance, a very important element of legal proceedings is determining which law should be used. Legal rules change over time, resulting in multiple versions of the same law. Laws do not last forever and can be replaced by other laws (one old law can be replaced by one or more new laws). The timeline of events that are relevant to a particular court case provide one set of criteria to be used to determine the correct law and the correct version of the law.

Matija Lah

Mi Lambda, Matija Lah, s.p.

Matija Lah ima več kot 15 let izkušenj s strežnikom Microsoft SQL Server, pretežno z arhitekturo rešitev upravljanja podatkov pravne narave. Od leta 2007 je za svoje sodelovanje v skupnostih SQL Server nagrajen z nazivom Most Valuable Professional (Data Platform). Matija se pretežno ukvarja s pravno informatiko, procesiranjem besedil v naravnih jezikih in avtomatizacijo procesov skrbništva nad dokumenti pravne narave.