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Arhiv predavanj

Osrednje predavanje

Philippe Rogge


Philippe Rogge is Area Vice President of Microsoft Central and Eastern Europe (CEE), where he leads Microsoft’s business across a diverse region of 33 countries spanning 13 time zones. Philippe reports to Michel Van der Bel, President of Microsoft EMEA. Prior to assuming leadership of Microsoft CEE, Philippe served as Chief Operating Officer of Microsoft China for three years, where he led the sales, marketing and services organization to achieve significant business growth while building organizational capabilities during a critical period of transformation to cloud services and solutions. Philippe joined Microsoft in July 2010 as Enterprise and Partner Group Director and served as General Manager for Belgium and Luxembourg and led Microsoft Portugal on an interim basis during the second half of 2012. Technology and its impact across industries has been a recurring theme throughout Philippe’s career. Prior to joining Microsoft, Philippe was COO at Option NV, a Belgian technology pioneer best known as the first modern 3G wireless OEM. In a very challenging and competitive environment, he developed a new business strategy at Option with a strong focus on software and verticals, which was instrumental in putting the company back on track. The strategy also included significant restructuring and refinancing. Philippe started his career as an IT developer and project manager at Esso. He became an internal auditor, a branch of which he was asked to start up at his next employer Compagnie Maritime Belge (CMB), a holding company active in logistics, banking and insurance. As Finance Manager at CMB, he managed varying fields such as M&A and ship financing, and oversaw the group’s IT & telecommunications functions. During his eight years at Belgacom, Philippe was responsible for several sectors ranging from M&A to Regulatory Affairs to Group Communications during its IPO to Wholesale. As VP of the Business Development and Strategy Enterprise, he launched several innovative business models in adjacent-to-core markets. Philippe graduated from the University of Gent with a degree in applied economics and holds a master’s degree in management from the Vlerick School of Management. He has also attended the Advanced Management Program at INSEAD. Philippe has pursued an international sailing career, ranking in the top 10 worldwide. He more recently served as Chef de Mission of the Belgian Olympic Team leading up to the 2008 Beijing Games and is currently VP of the B  

Tomaz Valjavec

Microsoft d.o.o.

Tomaž Valjavec je zaposlen pri podjetju Microsoft od leta 2007. Ena izmed njegovih največjih strasti je pomagati strankam in partnerjem pri popolni digitalni preobrazbi. Trenutno vodi ekipo strokovnjakov v osrednji in vzhodni regiji, razporejenih v 15 državah, ki je odgovorna za vodenje digitalne preobrazbe pri podjetjih in partnerjih Microsofta.  

Barbara Domicelj

Microsoft d.o.o.


Miha Kralj


Miha Kralj je del IT industrije in njenega razvoja že tri desetletja, v vlogah svetovalca, arhitekta, strateškega svetovalca in izvršnega direktorja. Trenutno živi in deluje v Seattlu, zvezdni državi Washington, ZDA, kjer je vodja sektorja »Cloud Strategy and Architecture« pri podjetju Accenture.  

Jose Santos


José (Joe) Santos je pridružen profesor prakse globalnega managementa na INSEAD, v Fontainebleauu, v Franciji. Svojo akademsko kariero je začel na začetku sedemdesetih let, nekaj let kasneje, pa s kariero nadaljeval v menedžerskem svetu. S kariero v menedžerskem svetu je z upokojitvijo zaključil leta 1994 kot generalni direktor italijanske multinacionalke in med tem obdobjem tudi živel v Italiji. Joe je od leta 1995 osredotočen na raziskovanje in poučevanje o splošnem upravljanju multinacionalk, s fokusom na globalnem povezovanju in globalnih inovacijah, na INSEAD, The Business School for the World. V preteklih letih je poučeval menedžerske seminarje na Portugalskem (Universidade Católica), v Italiji (Università Luigi Bocconi ter Università di Bologna), Sloveniji (Bled School of Management), Braziliji (FDC), Združenih državah Amerike (MIT) in v Veliki Britaniji (University of Cambridge). Redno predava na konferencah in poslovnih srečanjih po svetu.