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Power BI (The circle is complete)

To kick 2018 off in style, the Power BI team included a Power Apps integration into Power BI dashboards, but unlike the Visio integration that only allowed viewing of data the Power Apps integration allows you to feed data back into whatever source you like. This is a game changer and a really holistic approach to BI Reporting and since it allows you to change or add data to the data source of the report, it does appear the Circle is complete. This talk will include live demo's of this integration start to finish.

Gašper Kamenšek

Excel Olympics

Gašper Kamenšek is an Excel MVP and a self-proclaimed BI enthusiast. In his work as Excel Trainer, he combines two great passions of his, love for teaching and love for Excel. His determination to spread knowledge in Excel also made him start an Excel blog in May of 2014. It’s called Excel Unplugged and can be found at http://excelunplugged.com.