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Secure your data at rest - on demand, now!

The new releases of Microsoft SQL Server: SQL Server 2016 & 2017 brings new functionality for Data Security Professionals. Newest release – SQL Server 2017 made those features even more mature. Now you can protect your data in your database anywhere (on-premise, in the cloud, in transit, in the hybrid environment) even more simply than before. Transparent Data Encryption with better algorithms and better support for backup, Row-Level Security, Dynamic Data Masking and Always Encrypted for your application are now simple features. Azure Security Center brings us a new way of looking and adopting security best practices in an easy way. We focus on theory and of course, on demos. We look a little closer for few specific files that exist in our environment. We work on all three different environments, but our goal is only one: protect your data.

Tobiasz Koprowski

Shadowland Consulting

Community leader focused on SQL Server, SharePoint, security, collaboration, and ITIL, DR, BCM, SLA. Love licensing stuff. Founder of Shadowland Consulting. Microsoft Certified Trainer, freelancer, consultant. Former Member of the Boards: Polish Information Processing Society and ISSA Poland. Member of MTC, SME, Friends of RedGate PLUS. Member of PASS, SUGUK, PLSSUG, ISSA, ACM and several communities in the world. Data Platform MVP from July 2010. Former president of the Polish SQL Server User Group. Godfather of SQLDay Conference. An active blogger, international speaker, mentor and influencer. Co-author of SQL Server MVP Deep Dives Volume Two. STEM Ambassador. In free time traveller, cyclist, photographer. Coffee addicted.