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Azure Track v2.0 - DevOps in Infrastructure as code

V tem delu Azure track-a se bomo posvetili modernim DevOps pristopom k upravljanju IT okolja. Predstavili bomo prednosti infrastrukture kot kode (Infrastructure as Code) in kako DevOps pristopi in orodja povečajo agilnost organizacije, predvsem z vidika IT administratorjev. Obljubim, ne več kot 5 slajdov, vse drugo v živo :-)

Andrej Kašnik

Microsoft d.o.o.

Andrej Kasnik, Senior Consultant Microsoft: Enterprise consulting on Azure solutions in EMEA region. Last few years I am focusing on delivering Azure based cloud solutions to Microsoft enterprise customers. As challenging as it may be, I enjoy transforming our customers, bringing them out of their comfort zones and realizing benefits that cloud brings to them. In current role I am responsible for architecture and delivery of Azure based solutions adopted to our clients’ needs. I am lucky enough to work with major customers from Europe and US, mostly focusing on financial sector. Before becoming Senior Consultant in Microsoft Consulting Services, I worked in various technical presales roles in Microsoft covering Datacenter, Business Productivity and Unified Communications solutions. Prior to Microsoft I was software developer building mainly Financial Services solutions. In my free time I love juggling with axes, compete in extreme ironing and making animal sounds.