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AI EMPOWERS PEOPLE AND AUGMENT THEIR CAPABILITIES Anke den Ouden, General Manager, Microsoft CE MC ETIKA UMETNE INTELIGENCE Luciano Floridi, University of Oxford Okrogla miza AGILE SHIFT FOR ORGANIZATIONS IN THE DIGITAL ERA AND CHALLENGES OF DEVELOPING TALENT Vladimir Arshinov, CIO, Slovenska industrija jekla Alenka Kolar, CIO, Elektro Ljubljana Martin Gornjec, BHS Hišni aparati Aleš Pestotnik, Microsoft Moderira: Klod Kolaro, GM, Comtrade. MBUX: S POMOČJO UMETNE INTELIGENCE PRIPRAVLJENI NA PRIHODNOST Miha Jezovšek, tehnični strokovnjak, Mercedes Benz Urban Šoster, produktni vodja za osebna vozila Mercedes-Benz in Smart. METINVEST DIGITAL: DIGITAL TRANSFORMATION EXPERIENCE SHARING Sergiy Detyuk, CIO, Metinvest, Ukraine AI – OD LAB-A DO PRAKSE V 15 LETIH Blaž Strle, Adacta Okrogla miza SLOVENIJA V DOBI UMETNE INTELIGENCE Michele Leonardi, Country Leader at IBM Slovenia Medeja Lončar, CEO Slovenia and Croatia at Siemens Rok Magister, Chief Technology Officer, Central and Easter Europe at SAP Robert Trnovec, Regional Director, Enterprise Commercial for CEE Multi-Country Region at Microsoft Moderira: Katja Geršak, Executive Director at CEP - Centre for European Perspective

Luciano Floridi

University of Oxford

Luciano Floridi is Professor of Philosophy and Ethics of Information at the University of Oxford, where he directs the Digital Ethics Lab of the Oxford Internet Institute, and is Professorial Fellow of Exeter College. He is also Turing Fellow and Chair of the Data Ethics Group of the Alan Turing Institute. His areas of expertise include digital ethics, the philosophy of information, and the philosophy of technology. Among his recent books, all published by Oxford University Press (OUP): The Fourth Revolution - How the infosphere is reshaping human reality (2014), winner of the J. Ong Award; The Ethics of Information (2013); The Philosophy of Information (2011). His most recent book, The Logic of Information, will be published by OUP in 2019.  

Michele Leonardi

IBM Slovenija


Klod Kolaro

Comtrade d.o.o.


Martin Gornjec

BSH Hišni aparati d.o.o.

Po izobrazbi dipl.ing.el.uni.. Poklicno kariero začel kot SAP in Microsoft sistemski administrator v podjetju Prevent d.d. (7 let). Od leta 2006 vodja informatike v BSH Hišni aparati d.o.o.  

Ales Pestotnik

Microsoft d.o.o.


Urban Šoster

Autocommerce d.o.o.


Robert Trnovec


Robert Trnovec, ki ima več kot 20-letne izkušnje z delom v IT-panogi, sodi med najbolj prepoznavne IT-menedžerje v Sloveniji. Pred prihodom v Microsoft je delal kot predsednik uprave podjetja S&T Slovenija (2007 - 2013), še prej pa kot generalni direktor podjetja Hewlett-Packard Slovenija ter direktor prodaje in poslovnega razvoja v družbi ATR Computers. Microsoftu se je pridružil v letu 2013 kot generalni direktor slovenske podružnice. Leta 2017 je prevzel vodstvo Microsofta v regiji Adriatik in kmalu zatem postal direktor področja velikih podjetij Microsofta za CEE Multy-Country Europe regijo. Je član Ameriške gospodarske zbornice v Sloveniji – AmCham Slovenija in član sveta guvernerjev, in član Združenja manager. Izobraževal se je na International Institute for Management Development, IEDC – Poslovni šoli Bled (študij MBA) in London Business School. Že vrsto let sodeluje z IEDC – Poslovno šolo Bled, kjer kot mentor študentom MBA posreduje svoje bogate izkušnje in znanje.  

Katja Geršak

Center za evropsko prihodnost


Rok Magister

SAP d.o.o.


Anke Den Ouden


As the General Manager of a region comprising from 24 countries in CEE and Central Asia (Multi-country for short), Anke den Ouden is responsible for running all facets of the business. She has a 200+ people organization across all 24 subsidiaries. Anke has a proven executive management record of accomplishment and over 20 years of experience driving sales growth and business transformation in the technology industry. Prior to becoming General Manager, Anke was Senior Director CDS (Consumer Device Sales) in Russia, responsible for growing the consumer device sales organization in times of political and economic crisis. She drove the optimization of the partner ecosystem and developed new business areas around IoT, DAAS and industry solutions within Retail customers. Previously, she held different management roles inside Microsoft covering different segments like Director of the OEM CEE HQ department or driving the Small & Medium Customer Sales & Partner Team in the Polish subsidiary. Before joining Microsoft, Anke worked for 7 years in Mars in the Procurement and Marketing department. Anke is part of the leadership team of Microsoft Central and Eastern Europe and is the Executive sponsor and developer of the CDS MACH organization in CEE. She earned a BA degree at the European Secretarial Academy in Marketing, Economics, Administration, languages.  

Sergiy Detyuk

Metinvest Digital

Sergiy Detyuk has been Chief Information Officer of Metinvest Group since March 2016. He heads the implementation of the largest in the CEE program of SAP projects. Starting from 2017, he also serves as a member of the Executive Board, including the area of responsibility for risk management and the creation of an anti-crisis management system. As one of the top 20 largest companies in CEE, Metinvest combines the chain of about 30 enterprises worlwide from ore mining to the production of metal products. The Group employs more than 80,000 employees, with an annual turnover of about USD 6 bln. Before Metinvest, Sergiy worked at Ukrainian largest energy holding company DTEK as Chief Information Officer from 2009 to 2016 and as Deputy Finance Director for IT from 2007 to 2009. Prior to DTEK, he headed the Information Technology Department at Dniprospetsstal from 2006 to 2007 and at ISTIL from 2004 to 2006. From 2000 to 2004, he was Deputy Manager of a project to create a corporate information system at Ukrpidshypnyk. In his career, Sergiy completed number of projects of SAP ERP and performed the transformation of the IT function into a service-oriented unit implementation in different companies. He also created a centralized service department and implemented a digital transformation program in DTEK. Sergiy has completed a corporate MBA program at the London School of Business (UK, Ukraine) and has an MBA from Kyiv-Mohyla Business School (Ukraine). Executive program in Corporate Strategy. Leading Digital Business Transformation Program. MIT-IMD Executive Program Driving Strategic Innovation. He also holds a Master’s in Computer Programming, and a diploma in Financial Economics, both from Donetsk State Technical University (Ukraine). In 2009 and 2010, Sergiy Detyuk was named Best IT Director in Ukraine in a best CIO contest. In 2014, DTEK was announced the most IT-mature Ukrainian company in a TOP-100 rating.  

Miha Jezovšek

Autocommerce d.o.o.