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Arhiv predavanj

Osrednje predavanje

Luciano Floridi

University of Oxford

Luciano Floridi is Professor of Philosophy and Ethics of Information at the University of Oxford, where he directs the Digital Ethics Lab of the Oxford Internet Institute, and is Professorial Fellow of Exeter College. He is also Turing Fellow and Chair of the Data Ethics Group of the Alan Turing Institute. His areas of expertise include digital ethics, the philosophy of information, and the philosophy of technology. Among his recent books, all published by Oxford University Press (OUP): The Fourth Revolution - How the infosphere is reshaping human reality (2014), winner of the J. Ong Award; The Ethics of Information (2013); The Philosophy of Information (2011). His most recent book, The Logic of Information, will be published by OUP in 2019.  

Joacim Damgard

Microsoft Sweden

Joacim Damgard, has been the Sales, Marketing & Operations Vice President for Microsoft CEE since October 1st, 2018. He joined Microsoft in 2016 as the General Manager for Sweden and comes from Ericsson, where, he was the President of Ericsson’s business in the UK and Ireland since 2013. There, he oversaw a team of more than 5,000 people selling services, hardware and software to large customers such as BT, Vodafone, Telefonica O2, EE, 3, and MBNL. Joacim joined Ericsson in January 2010 as President of Ericsson Thailand (Ltd). Over his three and a half year tenure there, the business saw 6X growth in revenue, and Ericsson re-established itself as a strategic partner to all major operators. Prior to Ericsson, Joacim held senior executive positions for 18 years in the telecoms sector, both with national retail businesses as well as international wholesale businesses. He started his career at the major Swedish incumbent operator TeliaSonera and has also held senior management positions with Unisource, Energis and Swisscom. He holds a Master of Science degree in Engineering from the Royal Institute of Technology Stockholm, Sweden, and an MBA from Warwick Business School, UK.  

Barbara Domicelj

Microsoft d.o.o.

Barbara Domicelj, generalna direktorica Microsofta Slovenija, je svojo kariero v Microsoftu začela z uspešnim vodenjem oddelka za telefonsko prodajo (telesales). Pot jo je nato prek oddelka za srednje velika podjetja vodila na področje prodaje za javno upravo, kjer je kot vodja prodaje soustvarjala strateške Microsoftove projekte v Sloveniji in zgradila pomembna partnerstva v javnem sektorju. Kot direktorica za področje velikih strank in partnerjev za Slovenijo in Albanijo je bila odgovorna za oblikovanje in vodenje raznolikih ekip, ki so presegale načrtovane rezultate. Preden je prevzela vodenje slovenske podružnice Microsofta, je vodila področje prodaje za velika podjetja v celotni Microsoftovi regiji Adriatic. Domiceljeva je po izobrazbi univerzitetna diplomirana ekonomistka, svoje znanje pa je dopolnjevala še na poslovnih šolah INSEAD – The Business School for the World in Wharton School (University of Pennsylvania). Kot odlična poznavalka za upravljanje in preobrazbo poslovne kulture deluje v Združenju Manager in Ameriški gospodarski zbornici v Sloveniji (AmCham Slovenija). Ceni iskrenost, odgovornost in timsko delo ter verjame, da nam lahko s pravim pristopom tehnologija vrne čas, nas naredi varnejše in bolj zdrave ter navdihne našo ustvarjalnost.