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Arhiv predavanj

Poslovna vertikala - Javni sektor

Umetna inteligenca je skozi velika vrata vstopila v javni sektor v Evropi in drugod po svetu. Drug za drugim se vrstijo novi inovativni projekti in dobre prakse, ki spreminjajo pričakovanja, kaj vse zmorejo sodobne digitalne tehnologije. Kje pa smo na tem področju v Sloveniji? V pripravi so nov vladni načrt in smernice za uporabo umetne inteligence, ki se naslanjajo na evropsko direktivo in Evropsko zavezništvo za umetno inteligenco. V vsebinskem sklopu, posvečenem javnemu sektorju, nas bo zato zanimalo, kakšna je vloga države pri uvajanju najnovejših tehnologij. Kakšen vpliv ima ta na razširjenost in uporabo najnovejših tehnologij v družbi? Koliko je naš javni sektor sploh seznanjen s priložnostmi, ki jih prinaša umetna inteligenca, in ali lahko tudi v slovenskem javnem sektorju že najdemo inovativne projekte z umetno inteligenco? To so le nekatera vprašanja, na katera bomo iskali odgovore, da bi bolje razumeli, kako se spreminja javni sektor danes in kaj vse bo še prinesla prihodnost. Predavanja: VLOGA IN PRIZADEVANJA DRŽAVE PRI ADAPTACIJI NAJNOVEJŠIH TEHNOLOGIJ mag. Mihael Krišelj, v.d. direktorja direktorata za informatiko, Ministrstvo za javno upravo AI IN GOVERNMENT DIGITAL TRANSFORMATION: INDUSTRY SCENARIOS & USEFUL PRACTICES Evangelos Chrysafidis, Microsoft Ratko Mutavdžić, Microsoft HARNESSING THE POWER OF INNOVATION – CROATIAN MOJ CASE ON NEWTON TECHNOLOGIES Marina Šuk, Ministrstvo za pravosodje Republike Hrvaške Andrea Mišur, NEWTON Technologies Adria PUBLIC SECTOR AS A TRENDSETTER FOR ADOPTION AND USE OF MODERN TECHNOLGIES IN THE COUNTRY dr. Nikolaos Dimitriadis, Trizma Neuro ENOTNA IN IZBOLJŠANA UPORABNIŠKA IZKUŠNJA ZA UPORABNIKE (PRIMER EDAVKI) Aleksandar Semeraj, Comtrade Barbara Hiti, Comtrade AI V DRŽAVNI UPRAVI – PRIMER OPSI IN STATISTIČNI URAD mag. Aleš Veršič, Ministrstvo za javno upravo Matej Stare, SURS Okrogla miza: DIGITALIZACIJA SE DOGAJA. KAJ SO NASLEDNJI KORAKI DO PREBOJNIH ZMAG? Povezuje: mag. Ula Kepežinskaite Duric, Microsoft Igor Zorko, Gospodarska zbornica Slovenije Dr. Polonca Blaznik, Ministrstvo za javno upravo Jurij Dolžan, Ministrstvo za javno upravo Klod Kolaro, Comtrade Aleš Pevc, Tehnološki park Ljubljana

Ula Kepežinskaite Duric

Microsoft d.o.o.

Ula Kepežinskaite Duric received the title of Master of Science at the Faculty of Economy at the University of Vilnius, Lithuania, in 2002. For more than 20 years, she has been working in various IT companies as sales executive for business development and sales of complex IT solutions and services in the region. Since 2017 @ Microsoft she has been driving sales and business development of the public sector in Slovenia and Croatia, with the goal to empower public sector employees and transform public sector services for citizens with the help of Microsoft technology and cooperation with the Microsoft partner ecosystem.  

Marina Šuk

Ministarstvo pravosuđa

Ministry of Justice, Croatia IT advisor-Department of IT support - oversees the provision of assistance to users of the judicial information system; - oversees implementation of security and safety policies and use of IT resources; - monitors, follows and solves problems and participates in the development of knowledge database Ministry of Justice, Croatia IT Assistant – Department of IT suppport - provides immediate advice to IT clerks in addressing and finding solutions for IT problems; - ensures a smooth and safe operation of the server in the judicial institutions; - assists users in providing advice for using applications; Algoritam d.o.o. Web editor/webmaster - coordinator and administrator of the company’s website - creates and maintains Facebook page - creates and maintains Twitter account - designed and developed a new website: www.algoritam007.com.hr and www.algoritammedia.rs to be present on the market outside of the country - monitor statistics on the Web and creates analytical reports KING ICT ECDL examiner, online mentor, held lectures and trainings - examiner for ECDL international certificate - online mentor for ECDL - held lectures and trainings of ECDL to adults - works and cooperates in the Project: ECDL online, advanced modules using MS Windows and MS Office - project to create online interactive and multimedia courses - works and cooperates in the Project: ECDL online using Linux and OpenOffice - a project to create online interactive and multimedia courses - works and cooperates in the Project: ECDL online - a project to create online interactive and multimedia courses - Advanced ECDL Diploma - ECDL dilpoma  

Aleš Veršič

Ministrstvo za javno upravo


Aleš Pevc



Andrea Mišur

NEWTON Technologies Adria d.o.o.

I am Business Development Manager at Newton Technologies Adria, company that offers new opportunities in the field of computer speech recognition. I am dealing with business and product development strategy focused on financial gain, market research to identify new markets and customer needs, time-integrated plans for product introduction and marketing strategy development. As someone who comes from the world of physics, mechanics and modelling, I’m a very analytically trained person who has been taught to react quickly to changes - my career starting point was of scientific/technical background and from day one, my focus was on putting technology to its best use. I am a very persistent person with history of proving people wrong when it comes to „it can’t be done” statements. I graduated from the Faculty of Science at the University of Zagreb and during my education I gained further specialization knowledge and ‘know how’ at Universities of Utrecht and Basel. My work experience began during high school education - I was part of a team of physicists who developed hardware and software for extrasolar planet detection. As a student I worked as an assistant on several courses of geophysics, tectonics, mechanics and mineralogy, and later as a Sales Representative at iStyle company where I met the B2b segment for the first time, which was surprisingly great experience. Before graduating I was selected from over 3000 applications to join INA oil company prestigious graduate training program where I worked on tectonic reconstruction, basin modelling and raising awareness of new technologies and their application regarding exploration process and risk reduction. As Business Development Manager, my ambition is to ensure the company's prosperity relying on innovative technologies and agile methodologies, especially during logistics planning, strategic thinking and business strategy realization. In my free time, I enjoy freeride skiing, alpinism and I’m quite fanatic about aviation, sport, dogs and medicine.  

Jurij Dolžan

Ministrstvo za javno upravo


Polonca Blaznik

Ministrstvo za javno upravo


Evangelos Chrysafidis



Aleksandar Semeraj

Comtrade d.o.o.


Barbara Hiti

Comtrade d.o.o.


Matej Stare

Statistični urad RS


Klod Kolaro

Comtrade d.o.o.


Nikolaos Dimitriadis

Trizma Neuro d.o.o

Dr. Nikolaos Dimitriadis is an award-winning communications professional, educator and consultant. He is the author of the book “Neuroscience for Leaders: A Brain Adaptive Leadership Approach” (Kogan Page, London) and spoke at TEDx University of Strathclyde for the urgent need for Brain-Based Communication. He is a certified NeuroMarketer and a contributor to the Neuro Marketing Manager Program at Hamburg Media School. He has worked with international brands such as IKEA, IBM, JTI, Nestle, Johnson&Johnson, Pierre Fabre, Coca-Cola, Banca Intesa Sanpaolo, Raiffeisen Bank, Rauch, Teekanne, USAID and others. He is a mentor of startups at the ICT HUB, Belgrade, Serbia. He is the CEO of Trizma Neuro, a cutting-edge Neuromarketing company, and the Regional Director of The University of Sheffield International Faculty, City College, for the Western Balkans. Dr. Dimitriadis is a strong advocate of brain-based solutions to business challenges. He is guest lecturer at the MBA programme at Faculty of Economics, University of Ljubljana. As a consultant, trainer and management coach he has worked with companies and institutions such as IKEA, IBM, Nestle, Banca Intesa Sanpaolo, Holcim, Pierre Fabre, Coca Cola Hellenic, Raiffeisen Bank, Piraeus Bank, Opportunity Bank, Vojvodjanska Banka, Plaza Centers, Rauch, Teekanne, USAID, GIZ, Merrill Lynch, UK Embassies in the SEE region and others. He is a mentor of startups at the ICT HUB, Belgrade, Serbia. Dr Dimitriadis is a passionate supporter of brain-friendly communications, holistic research, constant brand innovation and of a results-driven, human-based corporate culture.  

Ratko Mutavdzic


Ratko Mutavdžić is Director, Cloud Services for Public Sector in Central Eastern Europe, with Microsoft. He was working on several management position in Microsoft, driving solution developments Public Sector, starting in a consulting practice and then leading several different sales and technology teams. Currently he is working on a number of advanced technology and platform topics, like Data Science, CyberSecurity, CyberResiliency and enabling them through the use of cloud platforms and technologies, where he research the methodologies and frameworks on how to deliver more efficient and resilient Government and Enterprise environments. He is the author of number of published papers on different aspects of the technology, successful blogs on new technologies, change and transformation and active contributor in a number of social networks exploring the use and advance of new ways to connect and share innovation and invention.