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Arhiv predavanj

Vertikala kibernetske varnosti podjetja

Varnosti se ne da zapakirati v eno škatlo ali za eno mogočno požarno pregrado. Varovanje moramo obravnavati kot proces številnih dejavnikov kot so strojna oprema, programska oprema, upravljanje, spremljanje, nadgrajevanje, izobraževane… Predstavili bomo kako ustrezno varovati celotno organizacijo s strategijo obrambe v globino "defense in depth". No eno je vedeti kako, ampak upravo v podjetju zanima predvsem zakaj? Zato vam bomo predstavili tudi ključne dejavnike, zaradi katerih je lahko varen tudi budžet podjetja, namenjen kibernetski varnosti. In na koncu bomo tudi praktično pokazali, kako nevarni so lahko HAK5 strojni dodatki, ki stanejo nekaj 100 dolarjev, če jih pravilno umestimo v interno omrežje.

Erdis Škrgić

Unistar LC d.o.o., Ljubljana

Key account manager accountable for orchestrating sales, presales, demand generation and driving sales performance of ICT products&services. Responsible for total account management function, building long-term professional business relationships and establishing strong company identity by impacting customers needs in the true sense of the customers interest. Graduated at the Faculty of Entrepreneurship with main focus and thesis at planning the company`s growth. I always have goal orientated “Can Do” attitude & I`m zero ego kind of person, but the most important of all I`m proud father of two awesome boys.  

Robert Bergles

PRO.ASTEC d.o.o.

I have 22+ years’ experience with Microsoft systems and technologies as a consultant of the Microsoft infrastructure for medium and large enterprises on premise or cloud. I started as a lecturer of Microsoft Server computer courses at 1995. Same years later, I started as Microsoft consultant for designing and implementing for high availability Microsoft infrastructure for enterprise companies. Most of the time in last 10 years, I dedicate as a cyber-security consultant for Microsoft active directory vulnerability and cloud security. I'm responsible for designing, building, and overseeing the implementation of network and computer security. In addition to the regular work on projects, I participate as a lecturer at the NT conference and local events and occasionally participates as author of articles in the newspaper.