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Arhiv predavanj

Automated ML: Building performant models with few clicks (or lines of code)

The automated ML feature of Azure ML is often underappreciated. It is a great way to go from a decently preprocessed dataset to a working production model with minimal effort. I will show how to quickly build, train and publish classification, regression, and forecasting models.

Andrey Vykhodtsev

Microsoft d.o.o.

Andrey Vykhodtsev works at Microsoft as a Regional Advanced Analytics & AI Architect, covering Central and Eastern Europe. Andrey has more than 15 years of experience building scalable analytics on open source and vendor technologies and a track record of senior Advanced Analytics architect and team leader roles in the companies like Teradata, Deutsche Bank, and IBM.  Andrey is a data science practitioner, fluent in Python, an expert and a trainer in open source projects like Apache Hadoop and Spark, and an organizer of various data science and big data-related events and meetups in Eastern Europe.