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Arhiv predavanj

Azure for Healthcare

We all know the current circumstances that put the Healthcare industry into the spotlight. Microsoft has a great suite of products addressing healthcare problems and the possibility to build your custom solutions on Azure. In this talk, I will focus on these options. I will cover common architectures and components of Azure Healthcare solutions, such as Azure FHIR APIs, DICOM Server, IoMT connectors, and more.

Andrey Vykhodtsev

Microsoft d.o.o.

Andrey Vykhodtsev works at Microsoft as a Regional Advanced Analytics & AI Architect, covering Central and Eastern Europe. Andrey has more than 15 years of experience building scalable analytics on open source and vendor technologies and a track record of senior Advanced Analytics architect and team leader roles in the companies like Teradata, Deutsche Bank, and IBM.  Andrey is a data science practitioner, fluent in Python, an expert and a trainer in open source projects like Apache Hadoop and Spark, and an organizer of various data science and big data-related events and meetups in Eastern Europe.