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Getting started with Microsoft Graph and PowerShell

Microsoft Graph continues to open up the Microsoft 365 services for ITPros and developers. If you are a PowerShell user, what are your options to interact with Microsoft Graph from the command line? Should you directly access the Microsoft Graph API or use the Microsoft Graph PowerShell module? Join us as we share some common usage scenarios like finding information or creating entities and demo more advanced scripting scenarios. Be prepared to pick up some useful tips.

Aleksandar Nikolić

M.O.3.A.K. IT Consulting

Aleksandar Nikolic is a Cloud and Datacenter Management MVP, a Microsoft Azure MVP, a co-founder of PowerShellMagazine.com, and a community manager of PowerShell.com. He has more than 18 years of experience as a system administrator. He delivers Azure and PowerShell training courses worldwide. He is a frequent speaker at IT conferences such as Microsoft Ignite, MS TechDays, MMS, NIC, Intelligent Cloud, Techorama, MS NTK, and PowerShell Conference Europe. You can find him on Twitter (https://twitter.com/alexandair) and LinkedIn (http://www.linkedin.com/in/alexandair).