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Developing Things using the .NET IoT libraries

The .NET IoT libraries bridge the modern .NET development with the most popular hardware available on the market. After a brief overview of the differences between microcontrollers (such as the Arduino boards) and small computers like the Raspberry PI, we will dig into the development chain of .NET 6 over the Raspberry PI on Linux. During the session, we will see different hardware devices and how to use them using the existing "bindings" available from the .NET IoT libraries. Finally, we will also see how easy it is to create new bindings for currently unsupported devices.

Raffaele Rialdi

Vevy Europe

Raffaele Rialdi has a master's degree in Electronic Engineering and is a Senior Software Architect working as a consultant, speaker, and trainer. Since 2003, he has been a Microsoft MVP in the Developer Security category. He is the president of DotNetLiguria and co-founder of the Italian C++ user group. He is currently working as an architect and developer on the backend of an enterprise project with a specific focus on code generation and working on cross-platform mobile and IoT development in C# and C++ languages.