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Security Challenges In Software Development Company

The rapid changes that have taken place in the last few years have accelerated the process of digitalization of society and all business environments. COVID and geopolitical changes in the world contribute to this. From the point of view of cybersecurity, the challenges we face are of great magnitude and are escalating daily. The result can be catastrophic consequences for your business: data breaches and leaks, ransomware, insider threats, etc. The software industry is one of the bearers of society's digitalization, and secure solutions are set as an imperative. However, with all that is needed today, cybersecurity requires a systematic, proactive, and adaptive approach. This lecture is suitable for all those involved in software development, the private sector, government, and public institutions, but also for all others who want to hear the experience of first-line defense that can be applied to all other business environments that require cybersecurity.

Jasmin Azemović

Mistral Technologies

I'm a CISO and University Professor active in databases, information security, privacy, and forensic analysis. Author of the books: Writing T-SQL Queries for Beginners Using Microsoft SQL Server 2012, Securing SQL Server 2012, and SQL Server on Linux. Microsoft MVP (Data Platform since 2009). Speaker at many regional IT conferences, events, and panels.