Rok Bermež works CTO at EngageFactory. His primary interests include cloud computing and mixed reality development. With extensive experience in development and architecture, he participated in many projects. Since the CTP release of Microsoft Azure, many of those projects are based on the Microsoft Azure platform. Rok has been delivering courses, writing code, and speaking at conferences and community events on Microsoft technologies for the last couple of years.
Generative AI in C# with Semantic Kernel
- Razvoj aplikacij
- ponedeljek 10:00 - 10:45
- Adria
- Nivo 300
- Demo 40%
- Konferenca TECH
Na tem predavanju bomo spoznali, kako začeti s koncepti umetne inteligence in kako uporabljati semantično jedro (Semantic kernel) za vgradnjo umetne inteligence v vaše aplikacije.
Komentiranje v NTK aplikaciji je mogoče za potrjene udeležence NT konference.
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